Ms. M – I Needed This To Boost My Self-Confidence

Curvy boudoir portrait of a woman in a sheer neutral and red lingerie bodysuit

Ms. M admitted that she was a bundle of nerves leading up to her shoot. You’d never know it looking at her images! She seemed so at ease and comfortable in front of the camera. Ms. M was also one of my first clients to shoot with the wings and she KILLED it!  Read about her experience below. I loved meeting you, Ms. M. <3

Black and white boudoir portrait of woman with wings

Have you ever done a boudoir shoot before? If is, how did your shoot with Jenn compare to your prior experience?

This was my first time!


Why did you do your boudoir shoot?

I had gained weight and I didn’t feel beautiful anymore. I needed this to boost my self confidence, but I didn’t realize how badly I needed it until afterwards.


What was your favorite part of the session?

Seeing my photos was the best part HANDS DOWN. I realized that what I see in the mirror every day and what I saw in those pictures is really who I am inside. That’s what others see in me, too.


What did doing this shoot do for your self confidence, self worth, and self image? Tell me your story.

I realized that I am worth so much more than I’m giving myself credit for. I realized the  life I am living is not what I want, so I am making changes to make myself happy again. It’s been a hard road to travel, but I realized that I wasn’t happy and I need that more than anything now in my life. I have to empower my inner self to get and be exactly what and who I want.


Was your experience what you were expecting? If not, how was it different?

No, I was so nervous and I didn’t know what to expect. You envision what the shoot will be like and think “How am I going to do that pose?” and “Will I look as good doing that pose as others did?”, which caused me some anxiety. Some things my body was like “ummm no” but I pushed and those images came out the best. I didn’t know how much empowerment I would get from the shoot itself.


What was the best part of your experience? Would you change anything?

I loved all of the images where I was staring directly at the camera. Those pictures showed me how much eye contact really means. I felt like I could see into my soul and all my friends who have seen the images have told me the same thing. I have heard that I have eyes that shine and I seem to speak with them (whatever they mean by that! LOL!) and I saw that in my images. I understood exactly what people mean when they say that! The only thing I would change is how nervous I was. It was so much fun and I loved every minute – there was no reason to be nervous!


Is there anything extra you would like to tell us?

Liz was fantastic with my make up. I told her I was nervous and we laughed and it definitely helped me relax. Jenn was so amazing and even when I felt like we weren’t going to get a great picture, we did! She captured way more then I could have ever imagined. I would definitely recommend this experience to anyone. It can definitely be scary, but if you think you can’t do it, you totally can!

Boudoir portrait of curvy woman wearing a navy blue bodysuit

Ms.  M, I adored working with you. Thank you for sharing your experience. <3 You absolutely killed your shoot (those shots with the wings! <3 <3) and I’m so proud to know you!



Jenn <3


Curvy boudoir portrait of woman wearing a red and black lingerie set


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